Charles Toutant

Charles Toutant

Charles Toutant is a litigation writer for the New Jersey Law Journal.

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March 24, 2010 | New Jersey Law Journal

Medical Malpractice Defendants Can't Use Experts Tied to Plaintiff's Doctors

A hospital and its doctors sued for malpractice can't summon expert testimony from members of a medical group that includes the plaintiff's treating physician, a New Jersey appeals court says in a case of first impression.

By Charles Toutant

4 minute read

November 03, 2006 | The Legal Intelligencer

Sills Hopes to Lure Laterals With New Office

Sills Cummis Epstein & Gross set up shop in Princeton, N.J., this week, tapping into the area's potential for pharmaceutical and medical-device clients and for recruitment of new talent - especially laterals disaffected with their current firms.

By Charles Toutant ALM

4 minute read

September 07, 2011 | New Jersey Law Journal

Port Authority Must Make PATH Station In Jersey City Handicapped-Accessible

A federal judge has ordered the Port Authority to make the Grove Street PATH station in Jersey City handicapped-accessible, rejecting contentions that the accommodations are impracticable.

By Charles Toutant

4 minute read

March 05, 2004 |

Head-Scratching Over Rulings on Merit Law

The Affidavit of Merit Statute -- anathema to plaintiffs' medical malpractice lawyers practicing in New Jersey since its inception -- has taken on a new reason to be loathed, thanks to New Jersey Supreme Court rulings that seem to be of two minds on whether and when to forgive technical noncompliance.

By Charles Toutant

4 minute read

April 14, 2011 | New Jersey Law Journal

Alleged Conflict Raised in Battle for Bar Secretary Job

The contested election for the post of State Bar Association secretary, unusual in itself, takes on a new novelty this week as one candidate accuses the other of an incurable conflict of interest.

By Charles Toutant

5 minute read

April 25, 2005 | New Jersey Law Journal

Record Impounded in Judge's Appeal of Denied Sexual Discrimination Suit

An Essex County judge's appeal of a denied sex bias suit against her judicial overseers will be heard on the QT, just like the lower court case that preceded it. Counsel for Francine Schott and for the state defendants received a briefing schedule this month from the Appellate Division clerk's office stamped "record impounded," which means the file is off limits to anyone outside the case.

By Charles Toutant

4 minute read

August 15, 2011 | Legaltech News

N.J. Court: Replay of Video Evidence for Jurors Could Be Prejudicial

A N.J. state appeals court overturned a sex assault conviction, finding that the trial judge's allowing jury-room replays of videotaped interviews of the defendant and alleged victim was potentially prejudicial. Jurors may request the replay of testimony while they are deliberating, but the replay should take place in open court, the appeals panel said.

By Charles Toutant

4 minute read

June 19, 2006 | New Jersey Law Journal

Disciplinary Backlog Dropping as Fewer Ethics Complaints Are Filed

The Office of Attorney Ethics managed to turn the tide on its disciplinary case backlog in 2005, but it had some help: The number of complaints about errant lawyers is going down.

By Charles Toutant

5 minute read

September 17, 2009 | New Jersey Law Journal

Answering Ethics Charge, Judge Denies 'Bund Meeting' Quip Was Anti-Semitic

A judge hit with ethics charges over his in-court reference to a group linked to Adolf Hitler says the remark was not anti-Semitic and was meant to diffuse animosity between opposing counsel.

By Charles Toutant

5 minute read

April 11, 2005 | New Jersey Law Journal

Case Law Boosts Use of OPRA as Discovery Tool

A growing number of litigators are using open-records requests to augment discovery to obtain documents involving government entities without having to establish relevance.

By Charles Toutant

5 minute read