Cedra Mayfield is a litigation reporter with the Daily Report, the ALM newspaper in Atlanta. She can be reached at [email protected]. Twitter: @cedramayfield
April 22, 2021 | Daily Report Online
Not Enough Courtrooms: This Georgia Superior Court Is Bursting at the Seams"All of the superior courtrooms are located at the very top of the building, at the very top of an antiquated, obsolete elevator shaft with equally antiquated, obsolete elevator cars," one judge said. "It can take a long time to get jurors up there."
By Cedra Mayfield
4 minute read
April 22, 2021 | Law.com
Miracle and Nicole: How 2 Realtors Built Thriving Businesses During the Pandemic"I was not expecting to be doing two to four closings a month for six months straight," said real estate agent Nicole Jones. "I had my busiest year last year, and I'm busier this year."
By Cedra Mayfield
5 minute read
April 21, 2021 | Daily Report Online
'Sitting Alone in Their Houses': Isolated Lawyers Wrestle With Impostor Phenomenon"It is a constant struggle to remember that I belong exactly where I am and that it is a result of the hard work I put in," said lawyer Tremaine Hemans. "The learning curve as a new attorney is daunting."
By Cedra Mayfield
4 minute read
April 21, 2021 | Law.com
Husband, Family and Firm: A Lawyer Juggles Heartbreak Amid the Pandemic"When I first found out that we had lost the baby, I called our managing partner and the other partners I work with and told them," said attorney Kelsey Kicklighter.
By Cedra Mayfield
3 minute read
April 20, 2021 | Daily Report Online
How a Georgia Case for $1 Made It All the Way to the U.S. Supreme Court—and Back"This case asks whether an award of nominal damages by itself can redress a past injury," Justice Clarence Thomas wrote for the U.S. Supreme Court. "We hold that it can."
By Cedra Mayfield
4 minute read
April 20, 2021 | Law.com
'Not Worth It': He Made a Million Dollars in the Pandemic. But Lost What He Loved Most"Even though I had so much success with finances, I felt like it was not worth it," said Diego Denson, a cybersecurity consultant whose business thrived as companies shifted to remote work at the onset of the coronavirus pandemic.
By Cedra Mayfield
4 minute read
April 14, 2021 | Daily Report Online
Longtime Executive Departs Georgia Bar: Here's What's Next for Natalie Kelly"I bid farewell to the State Bar of Georgia," Kelly tweeted.
By Cedra Mayfield
2 minute read
April 14, 2021 | Daily Report Online
DA Wanted: Kemp Invites Applications by April 15 for New District Attorney JobPreviously, the Augusta district attorney served Richmond, Columbia and Burke counties.
By Cedra Mayfield
2 minute read
April 09, 2021 | Daily Report Online
'We Are in a Crisis': Attorney, Judge Suicide Prevention Takes Center Stage in Georgia"I lost my father to suicide several years ago, and it was just a very devastating experience because we missed all of the signs and symptoms," said Judge Shondeana Morris.
By Cedra Mayfield
5 minute read
March 31, 2021 | National Law Journal
Who Is Peter Cahill? This Judge Will Oversee the Trial of George Floyd's Accused Killer"When you're in his courtroom, you know that he's in charge," said Cahill's former law partner Michael Colich, of Colich & Associates in Minneapolis.
By Cedra Mayfield
4 minute read
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