Alyssa Rower

Alyssa Rower

October 01, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Ensuring That Trusts Created During a Marriage Survive a Divorce

The treatment of trusts in divorce proceedings can complicate what might otherwise seem like straightforward estate planning.

By Alyssa Rower and Karina VanHouten

8 minute read

September 17, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Splitting the (Painting of the) Baby: The Issue of Fine Art in Prenups and Divorces

Under the backdrop of the case 'Macklowe v. Macklowe,', the authors discuss how many of the unique challenges that fine art poses in a divorce can be preempted with a prenuptial agreement.

By Alyssa Rower

8 minute read

August 29, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Balancing Roots and Rights: Innovating Marital Residence Provisions in Prenuptial Agreements

One of the most significant, and oftentimes complex, pieces of prenuptial agreement negotiations relates to residences purchased during the marriage. A creative and proactive approach is called for.

By Alyssa Rower and Jaime St. Peter

8 minute read

July 24, 2024 | New York Law Journal

The Art of Drafting Enforceable Prenups

Even though it is very difficult to set aside a New York prenup, it is not impossible.

By Alyssa Rower

8 minute read

June 27, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Discretionary Trusts Present Vulnerabilities to Beneficiaries Without Prenuptial Agreements

In New York, assets held in trusts established and funded by a third-party for the benefit of a spouse are excluded from the marital property estate; however, if the beneficiary has access to a discretionary trust during the marriage, certain issues may still arise in a divorce.

By Dilpreet Rai and Alyssa Rower

8 minute read

June 13, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too: Creating the Benefits of Marriage Outside the Institution

While an unmarried couple may sit outside the costs and benefits of marriage, they also face a unique set of risks. Financially and legally, there is usually one half of a couple who is better off with the legal rights afforded by marriage and one who is not. It is important to understand those rights before deciding whether to get married.

By Alyssa Rower, Nicole Hurley and Jamie Caponera

8 minute read

July 10, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Trust Considerations in Prenuptial Agreements

A prenup offers security by protecting trusts and other family wealth regardless of where a couple lives, changes in the law, and the relationship between the beneficiary and the trust during the marriage.

By Alyssa Rower and Karina VanHouten

8 minute read

May 17, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Dispelling Common Myths About Prenuptial Agreements

There's a myth surrounding prenuptial agreements: after entering a prenuptial agreement, couples can rest assured that should they one day divorce, the process will be simple, neat, and painless. This is one of the most common misconceptions about prenups. This article offers the smart approach to crafting a prenup.

By Alyssa Rower

8 minute read

June 09, 2022 | New York Law Journal

Infidelity Clauses: Proceed With Caution

Infidelity clauses, spurred on by popular articles and celebrity tabloids, have grown in popularity over recent years. Despite this increase in popularity, however, the legal enforceability of such clauses remains an unresolved question in most states. This begs the question: Are infidelity clauses advisable?

By Alyssa Rower, Karina VanHouten and Leo Wiswall

7 minute read

June 11, 2007 | National Law Journal

Preparation matters when videotaping depositions

While many litigators videotape depositions, few actually maximize the use of the videotapes at trial. With a few extra steps, these videotapes can become a compelling and invaluable impeachment tool.

By Linda Dakin-Grimm and Alyssa Rower / Special to The National Law Journal

7 minute read