The Diversity Scorecard records the average number of full-time-equivalent minority attorneys—Asian-American, African-American, Latino or Hispanic, Native American and self-described multiracial attorneys—at Am Law 200 and National Law Journal 250 law firms in the calendar year 2016. Lawyer counts are average full-time-equivalent (FTE) figures. Partner statistics include both equity and nonequity partners. Nonpartner figures include associates as well as special counsel, of counsel and other staff attorneys. The survey does not include contract attorneys. The heading “Other Minority” includes Native Americans and attorneys who said they were multiracial. Lawyers of Middle Eastern heritage are counted as nonminority attorneys for the purposes of this survey.

Prior to 2009, Diversity Scorecard rankings were based only on the minority percentage of all U.S. attorneys. Starting in 2009, we revised our rankings to stress the importance of hiring and promoting minority attorneys to partnership positions. Each firm’s diversity score is calculated by adding the minority percentage of all U.S. attorneys at the firms surveyed to the minority percentage of all U.S. partners at those firms.