One of the few reliable activities occurring every day at every Big Firm everywhere in America is a carefully choreographed exercise involving all levels of Big Firm employees — the Delegation Dance. This dance can be performed at all skill levels and, if done well, can be a true art form. Many partners base their entire careers around being Master Delegators. But if performed poorly, the Delegation Dance can also lead to crushed toes and egos.

Although I am a novice delegator, I am a seasoned delegatee. Each additional year that you survive at the firm gives you one additional level of new Cogs to whom you may delegate. This perk beats out any parking space upgrade or other status improvement that may come with another year of keeping the machine purring along. But this power must be carefully harnessed. In order to help prevent any delegation disasters, I have a few helpful insights for those of you moving up the ladder at the Big Firm and trying to learn the Delegation Dance steps.