Courier Corp., a specialty book manufacturer focusing on religious and educational titles, has hired Rajeev Balakrishna as its first general counsel since the early ’90s. In doing so, the Boston-based book printing and publishing company turned to a young lawyer — but an old friend — to represent the company’s interests. Balakrishna, 36, started his legal career at Goodwin Procter and was assigned to work with Courier his first day on the job, right out of law school.
The Georgetown University graduate — a generalist who received both foreign service and law degrees from the school — moved to Boston and joined the corporate practice at Goodwin in 1996. He worked on a “huge variety” of matters, he says, everything from private equity transactions, securities reporting, restructurings and start-ups to IPOs and secondary offerings, and developed a strong transactional base. He credits his strong skill set to being in the right place at the right time. “Ten, 15 years ago, there was a sense in Boston that you didn’t have to specialize until your fifth or sixth year,” he says. “In New York, they had to specialize within one or two years. Now everyone has gone to the specialized model.”
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