Every lawyer knows he is at risk for a malpractice claim, but there is a significant difference between knowing the risk and doing everything possible to avoid it. Finding solutions to stave off malpractice claims, buying and mastering the technology and bringing everyone at the firm on board with it can be daunting tasks for attorneys, particularly those at smaller firms.

However, it is becoming increasingly important that attorneys do just that. The days when lawyers wouldn’t sue their brethren are long gone, and many attorneys are now willing to pursue claims on behalf of clients who consider themselves wronged by their legal counsel. In this environment, insurance companies are beginning to see law firms as high risk. Since insurance is all about risk, lawyers are now beginning to feel more pressure from their malpractice insurance providers to lessen their chances of a lawsuit. That pressure often comes in the form of more expensive premiums for law firms that fail to act to reduce their risk.