For most attorneys, a summer associate program is the pivotal point of their career. Even the most seasoned and accomplished attorneys remember their summer experience, whether good or bad. Perhaps no other profession offers a “trial period” for students to “try it before you buy it,” not to mention the monetary compensation and other perks associated with the summer program. From my perspective as a recruitment coordinator, landing a summer associate position is the best opportunity for law students to see what goes on behind those law firm doors.

At Archer & Greiner, the summer program has been in place for over 30 years. In fact, the program is a major source of recruitment for entry-level associates. Located in the colonial town of Haddonfield, N.J., with branch offices in Princeton, N.J., Flemington, N.J., Philadelphia and Wilmington, Del., the 125-attorney firm believes candidates should have a good experience from the moment they interview and to carry away with them good first impressions of our law office. I have found that a successful summer program rests on four key principles.