Attorney: Richard J. Urowsky
Firm: Sullivan & Cromwell (New York)
Major cases/clients: Kennecott, Microsoft, Texasgulf. Represents defendants in securities and antitrust cases and plaintiffs in tax litigation.

Richard J. Urowsky: Intellectual property litigation. Litigation is most often a fight over property and the most valuable property in the new economy is intellectual property.

Attorney: Mary Stowell
Firm: Stowell & Friedman (Chicago)
Major cases/clients: Cremin v. Merrill Lynch, Martens v. Smith Barney, and Graff v. Olde Discount Corp. Represents primarily plaintiffs in civil rights cases.

Mary Stowell: From my perspective, civil rights lawyers still have a great deal of work to do in the financial industry on behalf of women and minorities. The many years of mandatory arbitration, which prevented public scrutiny of the industry’s endemic discriminatory practices, coupled with its historic biases against women and minorities, have resulted in an industry where attitudes are slow to change. Although we do see change, the industry needs continued prodding from the civil rights bar to make the industry one where women and minorities have the same opportunities as white males.