Love is in the wind, and the kisses are thick as flies. Air kisses. Horseflies. Lift your feet; it’s evaluation time. You wouldn’t want to get allthose good feelings on your shoes.
Don’t get me wrong; it’s not as if I crave honesty. If I did, I picked thewrong profession. But sometimes a little forthrightness can go a long way.What should we expect in a land of evaluation inflation, where even the”smalls” are called “talls,” where the yearly evaluation forms at manycorporate employers look like the things we filled out for third-gradeparent-teacher conferences (“works well with others”; “takes initiative”).The law firm evaluation is simply a hybrid of overhype and banality, fillingassociates with dread yet delivering so little. It has a voice like Barneyand about as much spine as Play-Doh. In other words, it’s a poor substitutefor intelligent conversation.
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