Dean Booth of Miller & Martin died Wednesday at age 74 of cancer. Jason W. Graham, a longtime friend, wrote this piece in Booth’s memory.

Dean Booth was an old-school Southern gentleman. When I interviewed with him 17 years ago, he was the only person, partner or associate, who offered me a cup of coffee and asked if I had to go to the bathroom. Not that anyone else was rude, but Dean was always the host and always thinking of his guest. He was a model of professionalism and taught me that despite the fact that we litigators fight for a living, we should always follow the litany of teachings from the Bible even in litigation: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, turn the other cheek, but for the grace of God there go I, and don’t talk to snakes in trees. The one or two times I strayed from this advice, I regretted it.