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GO/NO-GO - Business travel isn’t entirely a thing of the past, but the days of criss-crossing the country (and, often, the globe) nonstop all year are likely over, as law firms and their clients become more choosy about which in-person interactions are really worth the time and expense post-pandemic, Law.com’s Ben Seal reports. “I see my clients more face to face than I did before, because we’re on Zoom calls together, so I think they’re more comfortable with it. They want to see the savings, too,” Stoel Rives managing partner Melissa Jones told Seal. And because of that, Tom Clay of Altman Weil said, every firm is going to start scrutinizing nonreimbursable travel “with a pretty good microscope.” “We all grew up that you run at a moment’s notice, but it doesn’t have to be that way,” Clay said. “So many people will change their automatic, ‘Yes, I’ll travel,’ to, ‘Do I really have to?’” And it’s not just about monetary savings, either. “There’s a psychic savings of not feeling like you’re a rat on a treadmill,” Clay said. “It takes a toll. It took a pandemic for people to realize maybe there’s a different way.”