Welcome to Skilled in the Art. I’m Law.com IP reporter Scott Graham. Well, Appleand Qualcomm made it past the courthouse steps Tuesday morning, but then settled their patent and antitrust dispute after spending probably an extra $50,000 or so to put on opening statements in San Diego federal court. I’ve got some initial reaction. Also, American Indian tribal immunity at the PTAB went out with a whimper at the U.S. Supreme Court Monday. And (mostly) the same justices who blithely OK’d the trademark registration of racial slurs in 2017 are now getting all squeamish about doing the same for generic dirty words. As always you can email me your thoughts and follow me on Twitter.

  Photo illustration by Jason Doiy  

Apple, Qualcomm Settle in the Courthouse Foyer

Did someone forget to tell Evan Chesler and Ruffin Cordell that their clients were on the verge of settling a multibillion-dollar IP trial Tuesday morning?