Welcome to Skilled in the Art. I’m Law.com IP reporter Scott Graham. We’re starting to ramp up for trial No. 2 in the trilogy of cases challenging Qualcomm’s licensing practices. Apple and Qualcomm are set to square off a month from today in San Diego federal court. On Thursday, U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel laid down some of the ground rules—yes, Qualcomm can bring up its trade secret concerns; no, it can’t tout President Trump‘s national security order—while ruling that Apple didn’t breach its promise of litigation peace. I’ve also got some quick reaction to the appointment of a new chief judge at the PTAB, and one last takeaway from PTO Director Andrei Iancu‘s appearance Wednesday before a Senate panel. As always you can email me your own thoughts and follow me on Twitter.



Coming Up: Round 2 of the Qualcomm Antitrust Wars