Summer vacations can either be one of the most relaxing or most stressful aspects of a young lawyer’s career. Demanding clients or shareholders can make young lawyers feel lazy or guilty for wanting a break. Missing out on billable hours due to vacations can also be daunting for those of us with strict billing requirements. However, with some advance planning and forethought, summer vacations can be a perfect mid-year boost to energize you through the rest of the year.

Length and Date of Vacation

The first key to planning relaxing and stress-free time away from the office is determining the length and date of your vacation. Plan your anticipated vacation around any potentially busier seasons of your year. Also be sure to check the vacation schedules of any associates you typically work with to make sure multiple members of a specific client or project team can adequately cover any work-related needs while you’re away. While managing dockets can typically be a stressful aspect of our job, the docket is also a perfect tool to help you forecast any potential issues or filings during your planned absence.