Not everyone can attend the mega legal tech conferences, and even those conferences only last a few days. If you want to learn more about what legal tech does and can offer, create your own local network of lawyers, programmers, investors and business professionals who are vested in legal tech and are searching for a marketplace of ideas to discuss where legal tech is going and what role they can play to help get it there. Creating a forum, and possibly even an organization, centered around legal tech isn’t as much work as you think.

First, explore if such a local organization already exists. If it does, get plugged in and contribute to its development. If it does not, search out local professionals with an interest in legal tech. Find local attorneys, programmers and others who speak, write and present on the topic and approach them about your idea of creating a local network of like-minded individuals. Folks in this sector are very idea-driven and should welcome your proposal of creating a venue where ideas on legal tech can be shared, discussed and developed.