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Iowa CLE Compliance Bundle 053024

Save time with our hand-selected Compliance Bundles tailored to satisfy your mandatory state requirements.

Includes: 1 Ethics, 1 Attorney Wellness, 1 Diversity & Inclusion
With this Iowa 15-Credit CLE Compliance Bundle, you can complete all fifteen (15) credit hours, including one (1) hour in Ethics, one (1) hour in Attorney Wellness, and one (1) hour of Diversity and Inclusion.
The Iowa attorneys may earn all their CLE credits via on-demand programs through
You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs.
Buy Compliance Bundle $229.00 & nbsp;  

Bundle Courses

13 Courses
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60 minutes
From Bach to Beyonce - What Musical Arrangements Teach about Legal Writing
It’s all about putting things in the right order. It’s about different pieces interacting in a way that makes sense. No, Stuart Teicher is not talking about a symphony or your greatest pop song, he’s talking about your legal writing. In this interesting program, Stuart will tackle the hardest part of legal writing — the organization phase. He’ll teach us how to create a mindmap, and he’ll get into the details about outlining. In the end you’ll learn how to put together a legal writing that will make others sing your praises.

Stuart Teicher

1 - General

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178 minutes
Reshaping the Legal Profession: Thriving in the Age of Generative AI & ChatGPT
Generative AI has taken the legal world by storm in recent months and with its capabilities and sophistication advancing at a rapid pace, many are wondering how this powerful tool can be applied to the legal profession.


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60 minutes
8 Reasons Movie-Lawyers Would be Disciplined
Attorneys in film are constantly violating the ethics rules. Of course, the public probably doesn’t realize it, but us lawyers need to make sure that we don’t repeat these sometimes ridiculous gaffes. Join the CLE Performer, Stuart Teicher, Esq., as he explains the sometimes obvious and sometimes subtle ethics violations committed by lawyers in movies and on TV.

Stuart Teicher

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132 minutes
Saltzman Seminars: U.S. Supreme Court Decisions on Criminal Law Issues: October Term 2021
Join Professor Saltzman as he explains and provides insight into each of the 19 Supreme Court cases decided during the 2021-2022 term that involved criminal law issues.

Saltzman Seminars

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59 minutes
The New M&A World: Spearheading Strategic Growth & Protecting Against Emerging Risk
In house counsel plays a crucial role in modern business operations, especially in uncertain times. When considering opportunities for mergers or acquisitions in this risky market, the GC should be ready to take the lead on strategy and planning in order for success. This session will teach you how to protect your company against potential risks involved in M&A.

General Counsel Conference

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