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Build a Customized Florida CLE Compliance Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The Florida State Bar allows attorneys to take twenty-eight (28) CLE hours online, including the three (3) of the five required hours in Ethics and three (3) required hours in Technology. As part of the five hours attorneys must now take a free two (2) hour Legal Professionalism course provided by the Florida Bar every three years

With the Florida Bundle (Build Your Bundle) you can complete up to twenty-eight (28) CLE hours allowed online by the Florida State Bar, including the three (3) of the five required hours in Ethics and three (3) required hours in Technology for only $279. All programs are approved by the Florida State Bar.

Starting in 2024, FL Bar members are required to complete a two (2) hour legal professionalism course produced by the Florida Bar.

After purchase, you can add programs to your bundle to begin receiving credit. 

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Buy the bundle and earn credits for following courses!


80 Courses
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62 minutes
It's Not a Tech Problem: Understanding Lawyer Competence in the Age of Technology
This session is a must-attend for all legal professionals seeking to bolster their technical competence and understand the role of technology in their professional responsibilities. It will provide a comprehensive understanding of the intersection of law, ethics, and technology in the modern legal landscape. It’s designed to help legal professionals navigate their ever-changing professional and ethical obligations in the digital world.


1 - Ethics

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60 minutes
Thinking Like A Client: What Every Law Firm Lawyer Should Know
Law schools, law firms and other CLE programs teach you how to “Think Like A Lawyer,” but succeeding in a law firm environment also requires you to “Think Like A Client” so that your clients will like and respect you, and ideally, want to hire you again and again.  Having spent more than twenty-five years as a law firm litigator, an in-house lawyer and now as a client, Zach McGee offers law firm lawyers at every level sage advice on what you should be doing -- and what you should not be doing -- to put your best foot forward when working with your clients.

New Media Legal

1 - General

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57 minutes
Transactional Integration & Due Diligence: M&A Deals From Start to Finish
Join us as we explore the complexities and regulations surrounding M&A deals from transactional due diligence to integration. Our subject matter experts in this session will examine each step of the process from the perspectives of both the acquirer and the acquired.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1 - General

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61 minutes
The Room Where it Happens: Identifying and Engaging the Essential Stakeholders in AI Initiatives
Panelists will discuss the importance of collaborative dialogue in successfully implementing AI and identify the key stakeholders necessary to achieve organization-wide success with AI. This session will highlight how different perspectives can contribute to more effective and ethical AI solutions, explore how stakeholder buy-in impacts adoption, and provide a dynamic platform for attendees to identify and discuss the crucial stakeholders necessary for the success of AI initiatives in their organizations.

LWNY 2024

1 - General

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57 minutes
Controlling the Rise of the Machines: Strategies for Safe AI Implementation and Mitigating Shadow IT Risks in Legal
This discussion will engage participants in developing concrete strategies for drafting, implementing and enforcing AI use policies within their organizations. Panelists will touch on the evolving nature of governance in the face of AI advancements and how governance is changing in reaction to AI, the conversations that need to be had, and anticipated future governance trends. The session will also tackle the challenge of 'shadow IT' -- the use of unauthorized or unmanaged tech by employees -- and offer practical solutions to manage these risks.

LWNY 2024

1 - Technology

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62 minutes
AI IRL - Practical and Effective AI Use Cases for Legal
We’ll begin the 2024 AI Workshop exploring current, practical applications of AI in the legal sector, emphasizing real-world effectiveness over theoretical potential. Panelists will provide tips and insights on distinguishing between AI tools that offer genuine value and those that are merely overhyped solutions in search of a problem.

LWNY 2024

1 - Technology

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61 minutes
Act Like a Lawyer, Think Like a Cyber Professional
Our expert panelists will cover topics such as legal and regulatory frameworks for cybersecurity, data protection laws, incident response planning, and risk management. Participants will leave with a better understanding of the legal and technical considerations involved in cybersecurity, enabling them to make informed decisions that protect their organizations from cyber threats.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1 - Technology

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60 minutes
Generative AI & Data Privacy: Where Do the Risks Lie?
This session will pull back the curtain to the mysteries of Generative AI, with expert speakers answering some of the most complex questions regarding the impacts of AI on work and life. Panelists will also examine a possible new type of liability schema for regulators, and make predictions on the future of AI governance.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1 - Technology

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