Judge Curtis Karnow

Judge Curtis Karnow

San Francisco Superior Court Judge Curtis Karnow admits that he graduated law school knowing little-to-nothing about how to practice law. Now that he’s got 40 years under his belt in the profession and on the bench, the judge is offering a long list of courtroom do’s and don’ts to new lawyers in his new book, Litigation in Practice.

Karnow said that watching young lawyers struggle in court inspired him to write the book, which provides practical tips for lawyers making their initial appearances in court. Among them: Always address the court as “your honor.” Read the local rules and follow them. Nix any question longer than 15 words.

Karnow-Litigation-PracticeBut Karnow insists the book, which also has chapters on using statistics in the courtroom, timing settlement talks, and dealing with expert witnesses, also has some advice that lawyers further along in their careers could stand to hear. “It gives the reader an insight into how judges think,” Karnow says. Karnow sat down with The Recorder recently to discuss the book. For the full conversation, listen to the podcast below.

Related: Law.com’s podcast page


Ross Todd is bureau chief of The Recorder in San Francisco. He writes about litigation in the Bay Area and around California. Contact Ross at [email protected]. On Twitter: @Ross_Todd