Vellucci v. Allstate Insurance Company, A-2905-10T1; Appellate Division; opinion by Fuentes, P.J.A.D.; decided and approved for publication May 28, 2013. Before Judges Fuentes, Graves and Koblitz. On appeal from the Law Division, Somerset County, L-223-06. [Sat below: Judge Ciccone.] DDS No. 36-2-0095 [25 pp.]

This is a wrongful death and survivorship action brought by plaintiff Anthony Vellucci, individually and on behalf of his late father, Albert Vellucci. Decedent was employed by Allstate Insurance Company in an office located in a commercial office building in Bridgewater. The building was owned, designed, built, and managed by defendant Mack-Cali Realty, L.P. Plaintiff claims decedent contracted Legionnaires’ disease in December 2004 when he was exposed to a water-borne pathogen in the building’s water supply system. Plaintiff also sued New Jersey American Water Co. Inc., the building’s water supplier.