In his article “Five Reasons a One-Stop E-Discovery Shop is a Win for Clients,” Mr. Geoffrey Vance, an extremely knowledgeable and experienced litigator and e-discovery attorney, makes the case for why law firms should bring all e-discovery services in-house rather than outsource those jobs to external vendors. While Mr. Vance convincingly argues that all e-discovery services should be centralized with a single provider, he errs in arguing that a law firm is best-positioned to fill that role.

As a former law firm partner and current president of consulting at a litigation support service provider, I am particularly well-suited to compare the benefits of law firms versus vendors executing e-discovery projects. In this Counterpoint article, I review the five reasons proffered by Mr. Vance and explain why they cut in favor of centralizing all e-discovery (and litigation support) needs with an external vendor, not a law firm.