Firmwide Lawyer Count: 791
2011 Stats
Gross Revenue: $770.0 million Up 4.5%
Net Income: $278.0 million Up 1.8%
Revenue Per Lawyer: $973,000 Up 3.6%
Profits Per Partner: $1,685,000 Up 4.9%
Notable in 2011
According to chairman R. Bruce McLean:
Strong Practice Areas: – energy, international trade, policy and regulatory, bankruptcy; corporate activity in Texas doubled last year compared to 2010
New Hires – Firm added lateral partner in Dallas to launch outsourcing practice; added 20 lawyers in Los Angeles for renewable energy practice.
Headcount Effect – Increased lawyer count plus increased revenue per lawyer led to overall strong financial performance in 2011.

Andrews Kurth

Firmwide Lawyer Count: 349
2011 Stats
Gross Revenue: $270.0 million Up 0.7%
Net Income: $102.0 million Down 1.0%
Revenue Per Lawyer: $774,000 Up 2.5%
Profits Per Partner: $1,041,000 Down 8.0%
Notable in 2011
According to managing partner Bob Jewell:
Strong Practice Areas: – capital markets, real estate, banking and finance
2011 Trend – Firm got busier as year progressed and it posted “busiest December ever.”
Taking Care of Business – Firm used $12 million of 2011 income to prepay 2012 expenses.

Baker Botts