On Sept. 27, a deckhand on a tugboat was awarded $3.6 million for his severely injured leg that got caught between a line and a deck kevel on the barge. In 2009, Lorne Jackson was working on a tugboat that was tied to a barge in Houston. While assisting in removing a line from the dock, Jackson’s left foot became caught between the line and the barge. His lower leg was degloved and he fractured his ankle. He underwent six reconstructive surgeries on the ankle and leg, including skin and muscle grafts. He claimed that he might need knee operations because he’s been diagnosed with cartilage damage because of the way he’s walking due to the misaligned ankle. Judge Dion Ramos ruled that the vessel was seaworthy but that Marquette Transportation Co. Gulf-Inland was negligent.

Jackson v. Marquette Transportation Co. Gulf-Inland LLC, No. 200916642