On Dec. 1, 2009, a jury sided with a driver who claimed he didn’t have enough time to avoid striking a girl who darted out in front of his Jeep. School had just let out on Feb. 20, 2007, when Amy Parker went into the street while playing with friends and was struck by a Jeep driven by Cole Allyn Whyrick. Amy sustained leg fractures and had to be care-flighted to a facility in Dallas due to breathing complications caused by multiple fractured ribs. She spent one week in the hospital, and then she was wheelchair-bound for another six weeks. Amy’s mother sued Whyrick, alleging he was on his cell phone when he hit the girl. Whyrick argued that if he did look at his phone, it was only for a brief second and that his eyes never left the road. He contended Amy was at fault for running into the street.

Parker, et al. v. Whyrick, No. 166598-A