When I started here a dozen years ago, this space was devoted to telling our readers about behind-the-scenes events in our newsroom. That quickly evolved into a monthly opening statement, which I’ve used to comment on–and sometimes chuckle about–the issues of the moment. This month I’m reverting to the original purpose: to discuss what for us, at least, are important personnel changes.

This is my final column as editor of The American Lawyer. Starting with the next issue, Robin Sparkman, our executive editor, will take over the magazine and bring to it her considerable intelligence, energy, and independent judgment. I’m moving into a new job and will become editor in chief of our parent company, ALM. In that role I will supervise our national news organization, online and in print. With the help of our editors, I will reorganize our newsroom so that it delivers effectively across the many media platforms–print, Web, mobile, tablet, who knows what comes next. And I am charged with developing new products that will serve our readers as you all try to navigate through these uncertain times.