Some new additions came to our newsroom recently. They're big flat-screen TV monitors, but they aren't showing CNN or any other news channel, nor the kinds of programs the folks in our lunchroom tend to watch on their breaks, like (I am not joking) Judge Judy.

No, these monitors are tethered to HP netbooks running a website that tells us which online articles are being read, and by how many readers, in real time. It may not be as gripping as, say, the recent hunt for the Boston Marathon bombers, but the service has its charms. First of all, the screens (there are four of them) are set to our "national" websites, those of The National Law Journal, Law Technology News, The American Lawyer, and last but certainly not least, Corporate Counsel. It's sparked a bit of a horse race among us editors, who sit here rooting for our team. It's great when a story goes viral.